My God is beautiful..all the time-
Friday, June 25, 2010
ClubMed MADness!!
Leaving for the airport in half... EXCITED!! To a place of luxury and pure indulgence. Will be back nxt wed! Good sun, Good food, Good service.. what more can you ask ?? hehehe. Hopefully its not too crowded. Cant wait for the awesome sister time too!
Anws, Sister is newly engaged!! The proposal was sweeetttt.. pitched dark, lower peirce, mosquitos, candles, tears, guitar, my girl, ring, yes i do. awwwww.
Been quite busy lately with asoc stuffs. there were meetings to prepare logs, fright night dry runs.. and then i just came back two days ago from asoc mock camp. Running around preparing for station games, waking up early, not being able to sleep at night, shagg ttm, water bombs, sentosa, sand, burnt.. all was funn i guess! reliving the asoc experience in a more tiring version. But I'm quite glad at least I had something to be involved in this summer for school. Hope the turn out for actual camp will be good! Our turn now to 'bully' the freshies!
Hvnt met up with the girls.. hopefully will get to! Being back nxt week will be packed even more with stuffs. The gang finally unites with shihhaur's return, free ice cream treat from derek and introduction of evelyn officially, bidding discussion and bidding!!! then.. Charity golf for TCA, volunteered by my sister. hahaha. driving almost everyday.. 2nd fright night dry run and then the asoc actual camp!! WOW.. sounds like alot for one n a half week. Not to forget, planning for stage games for camp night n asoc social night stuffs! OMG n work toooo!! 15/hr is mad good money.
Okk nicee. i like it busy this way. hahaha. TOODLES!!! bye guys.
the Princess' thoughts ;
Friday, June 18, 2010
Music for the dance

Two weeks back in Spore. Caught up with the pace of life, got involved with the programmes for camp n social night. Had the first two meetings on last tues n ytd. Fright night dry run was fun doing the make up and all.. lazing ard chilling and nth much happened till like 7pm. It was still quite cool anyways. Trang, Peixi and Cen crashed our meeting at around 10plus and went for supper at SpiZe after that. Cabbed home at 2plus am and crashedddd till 2pm today. dead tired.
Met up with Peixi last week! Great with the catch up and shopping all. Just talking and sharing stories, updating, sharing freaky stories, getting freaked out, sitting at mos burger till the shops are all closed, she being obsessed with squeezing the oil out of all the fries and soft fries....
Now waiting for sarah to be back from msia so I can then possibly meet up with her again before I fly off to Bali nxt sat! And the meetup with JC peeps and rach was AWESOME! seeing that blissful happy girl for the first time in 9 months was almost quite unrealistic. Been awhile since all the girls were present and we sure did had alot of talking session and gift xchange from UK of cuz. It's strange how we can jus sit and talk for ages, no need for shops to entertain us and we can just feel so comfortable tgt. That's the chemistry we have and that's the kind of friends that you know will stay forever.
I guess sometimes the world just don't understand. I want to explain myself but I find it so hard to explain when the connection isn't there in the first place. Certain decisions, certain moves, I don't make them myself..It's the tug, the voice, the whisper inside that motivates or dissuades me in making good n bad choices in life. The spirit that guides. They don't.. they call it 'bullshit'.. they ask 'why?' .. yaa call that bullshit, its ok.. as long as I know its not and He knows, tt's enough I guess.
And then I quote Max Lucado, "The Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force. He is not Popeye’s spinach or the surfer’s wave. He is God within you to help you. In fact John calls him the Helper. What is essential is that you know the music is in you. “If Christ is in you, then the Spirit gives you life” (Rom. 8:10). You don’t need a formula to hear it. I don’t have a four-step plan to help you know it. What I do have is his promise that the helper would come to comfort, convict, and convey. "
"So think about it; have you ever been comforted? Has God ever brought you peace when the world brought you pain? Then you heard the music. "
"Have you ever been convicted? Have you ever sensed a stab of sorrow for your actions? Then you’ve been touched by the Holy Spirit."
So now.. do you understand???
the Princess' thoughts ;
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Kun Ming, Love

back from a land where I first-hand experienced the simplest joy on earth and the simple hearts of mankind. A trip that I wouldn't trade with for anything else. A trip that I left for without much excitement, and came back with a heart of gratitude. A trip that I underestimated its influence to myself and the awesome memories I had. I can only say so much, do so much for the kids in 3 weeks, but they've made a big impact in my heart which I'm sure is going to last for a life time.
Have you ever seen a smile so contented with just a pencil or a sweet in hand? These are the smiles you see when you hand these children perhaps the simplest gifts on earth. The smiles when you simply take a picture with them.. they fight, push, just to take one photo with you. They cry when you leave, they greet you 'lao shi hao!' in the most enthusiastic manner that the primary school kids in singapore never would. They wear the same shirt for the entire week and we complain about our wardrobe that we have nth to wear.
It was really a great trip for me. A God-Blessed trip! And being away is good, I like the distance (I quote schwazer).. Away from technology, away from hectic life in singapore, away from the fast paced world, just the team the kids and myself(and the great food and shopping). I think travelling with friends is one of the merits of this trip.. because it feels like a school outing and you have people you're familiar with. I should travel with friends more.. it makes time easier to pass.
Now that i'm back, I miss the carefree-ness in Kun ming but of cuz I get to meet with the people I love here! =)
Ok gtg! Updates on my reflection soon.
the Princess' thoughts ;