Remember the lights
Week 7 is a good week for me. Less meetings, more reach-home-before-sunset, and more home-cooked dinners at home=)
It's mid term already. And in general, i enjoy school and major part of it is due to my friends. I am becoming alittle less sociable due to the comfort zone i've found. cannot!!! need to be less dao.
ok anws.. i am already planning my recess week(next week). No doubt there'll be project meetings too.. but hopefully i still get to have fun and recharge to some extent. YAY. BOOMZ
Five things i dislike about school/smu:
1. Having to squeeze on trains whenever i clash with the peak hour (esp after 530pm when all the workaholics head home)
2. Silly class participation (have not spoken at all voluntarily)
3. Rushing for lessons across campus
4. lousy three hours straight lessons to tahan through
5. weird people you meet somehow or rather
Five things i love about school/smu:
1. Awesome friends and jokes
2. funny FA prof
3. nice waffle burger
4. close to town (hvnt been to town since i dk when though)
5. buildings? skating?
i want a nice pair of skates!
i get alittle scared when i get too free.. like the past few days. I actually can watch tv sitting on the couch with no books in my hands! that is an amazing feeling and it's quite unbelievable.. so i would find myself re-thinking about what's on my list before i can sit at ease to concentrate on the tv.
ok and i get to blog. rare chance.
ok bye bye! i wonder who reads this.