Thursday, December 27, 2007

78weeks and 2 days
wahh.. tts quite long huh??
its kinda fast too. and sweet to recall.
smetimes its bitter
smetimes its sour
smetimes its painful
bt i guess.. all tt matters is the sweetness of all. and smehw e sweet juz overwrites everything when u recall. i guess tt's love<3. you love 'anyway'.. not 'because'. well.. at first perhaps its a 'because' kinda thing.. but slowly.. it becomes a 'anyway'.. when u learn to embrace everyside of the person.. learn to love e difference and not simply wna change them n have ur way. trrue love.
Love is when he nv fails to sms her every night to wish u gd nite
Love is when he holds her hand tightly when crossing a road
Love is when he puts his arm ard her when walkin thru crowded places
Love is when he refuse to let her walk hme herself in e night
Love is when he always walk her hme no matter hw late it is or hw tired he is
Love is when he sits close to her whenever he can
Love is when he helps her buy her food cuz he noes tt she's lazy
Love is when he carries her shopping bags for her no matter hw heavy his own things alrd are.
Love is when he feeds her a little bit of his rice when her braces hurt
Love is when he waits for her at e mrt station patiently when she's late
Love is when he drops by a gathering despite being exhausted cuz he really wans to see her n he noes she does too
Love is when he runs in e pouring rain with her
Love is when he gets worried when she's out late n waits for her to get hme b4 he goes to slp
Love is when he contacts her whenever he's hving break time
Love is when he pats her head when he sees her red eyes
Love is when he buys her ben n jerry ice cream for dessert for movie
Love is when he smiles when seeing her smile
Love is when he listens to her rants n comfort her when she's emo
Love is when he writes her a card from e heart despite his ugly handwriting
Love is when he can feel it when she's feeling dwn
Love is.. everything u've showered me all this while.. =)

monday was loveeeesssss. hehh=x. chilling out in our lil own world was loveeesssssss. seeing u was loveeeessssssss. HEHEHE. * bought his "sexy" nike dunks n sme gifts. i bought sme marks n spencers treats as gifts too. went out at only 5ish.. too nice to slack alrd. haha. there was FREAKING ALOOTTT of pple at orchard. lik oh my wordd.. u can really drown in it. tks to my 'bodyguard'.. so i wasnt crushed by e overwhelming crowd. haha. we gt really quite pissed off when we got stuck in e crowd for 10 mins. v humid weather made things worse.
tues: christmas !!!!! *sings e happy song n dance to it* hehehe. ok it was really fun! despite hving only 4 hrs of slp due to the caramel apples, but everything was FUN~ much fun-er than e yishun side one. mayb cuz all e kids r quite attentive n responsive. lalalalala. aww.. last time dancing alrd.. so sad. *sniff sniff*
k no one really noes who sang e song. muahaha. shhh
* was there too! support. meh heh.
tdy: studied.. errr did work for awhile. completed sme stuff n started sme stuff. den went out wif px to town for shopping. we bought a top each frm cotton on body. gt sale so its cheaP! haha. i wnted e plush gown but no size.. argggh. hehe. quite useless actually. bt its HOT PINK!! *oops*
ate sakae.. used e voucher so our meal cost only 9 dou lerr. good stuff. freeee. hahaha.
oh i bought a rounded flat shoe from Schu..ehh dk wad's tt bt its a cool shop. gt discount too! smiles. wanted a silver shiny bag too bt .. stil tinkin. shall consider.
bought px her bday cum christmas present. a topshop bag. quite cute la. haha.
her special fren came to meet her soon after n e shops kinda closed too. so den went forever 21 to try sme stuffs which is quite nice bt didnt buy. hmmm. went hme afterwards when they went off for movie.
*'s day was quite slack tdy.. he gt loads of free time.. tmr even more=) YAYYYness!!
k.. gtg. its 1. haha. happy boxing day! ok its over.. hahaha.
the Princess' thoughts ;
Friday, December 21, 2007
Life is actually really simple.. and colourful

was juz blog hopping. pple blogging abt complicated stuffs... hw much things suck.. hw much ppl suck.. hw much they wnted things to be in these way or another.. hw much they r confused wif their emotions.. hw much this hw much that.. regrets.
Life can be as simple as u wan it to be. It's all abt the heart and who you trust in. I trust God=) He is in control..nt me. so why shld i worry?? Strive first in the Kingdom of God.. i'll always rmb tt.
ppl feel miserable cuz they doubted.. ppl feel confused when they over-read into things n intentions. ppl feel suspicious n build a wall ard them against others cuz they are afraid of hurt. ppl feel that everyone is against him/her when they become too sensitive towards hw others look at them.
i used to be lik tt. im tired of it already. all i really wan n need is to dwell in the Lord's presence and everynw n then, He reminds me of who i am n that I am special=) i wna love Him with all my heart, all my soul, all my strength n all my mind.
Wed: !!!!!! the army boy is back!!! wahaha. ok b4 tt, went to sam's hs at 2ish with sis. helped out wif e puzzle till lik 5ish? shrugs. haha. it was fun.. for me la. haha. tiring though.
ok.. i REALLY CANNOT sit still any longer when its lik 8plus. cuz * told me he's cming at 9ish. played cards...chilled out n all. kept peering out e window whenever i hear cars driving past. hehz.
ok so the newly enlisted army boy finally appeared at 9plus. AHH! *faints*. surprisingly, his hairstyle didnt look as shocking as i thought it wld be. ok... nw i tink i noe y my sis has a "weird" fetish. hahaha. [he still looks as cute! >.<]
i clnt stop smiling when i saw him!! n i tink everybody noticed my ear-to-ear smile. hoyyy.. don tease me alr la nxt time.. v pai seh lehh! i tink i kinda blushed lor. hehe. i heard many "hehe.. don need pai seh la.." n "woww.. look at e smile sia..!" kinda of phrase. hehe. AIYO SHY~~~
sitting close to u again was awesomeee!! i cn juz melt there..^^ ahhhh.. ~~~~~
ok so he left ard 11. den e rest of us played cards. mafia game.. india poker. haha damn funny.
Thurs: prac at 10am!! until lik 3ish. recorded e song n stuffs. went to buy sme stuffs later on n ate at bugis. ok nth much.
Tdy was slackish.. did alittle bit(im serious) of work.. determined to finish sme later. haha. but i eneded up blogging. ok nvm i WILL start on my bio.
yayy!! * is bking out on 23rd nite! n he'll be ard till 25th!! WHOOOO! thank God =)
ok im feeling quite happy-ish tdy. despite no shopping trip.
k ciaaoozzz !
the Princess' thoughts ;
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Watching over me

hw i wish i had those little wings on my bck too=) hehe.
Went church tdy. pretty cool message. self reflection. Caused me to tink and ponder over things tt have happened recently. everything totally make sense to me nw.
Everything in ur life right nw works for the good of u.. eventually. even tho u may nt see it now. even if its a problem or crisis. God put it there for a purpose of His=). cool, great n awesome God i have huh? hehehe. LOVES.
Standing at the altar talkin to God was amazing. i really felt His presence within me. so strong n that voice of Holy Spirit talkin to me. making me see wad's in my life n why certain things r meant to be that way n nt wad i wanted it to be. certains no one wld understand besides Him. little secret btwn me and my Saviour=) ah.. feels good to let all e burdens dwn again n draw bck into His arms of love. Thank u Lord=) i wna focus on You.
tdy was pretty good. went to eat char siew rice, bck to church for recording stuff...etc. den bck hme.
watched e star awards. haha.
d called !! oh oh did i mention he called me ytd nite n tdy nite!? n he can call me every nite too!! but only for.. awhile. haa. juz glad to noe he's adapting well there la. hope everything is fine. im fine over here too.. gettin used to e 'new' lifestyle. haha. he's lights out time is 10.30 n he has to wake up at 5.30. aiyo poor thing.
mmm.. i wonder who reads my blog too. heh heh =x
Sat: went for dance prac at OCBC centre the dance studio at their recreation club. wahhh man.. tt place IS VERY THE COOL. got wii n its SO fun!! hahaha. pool table, ktv, 4 massage iMediac Osim chair... n snack vending machine. haha. stayed there for really long.
tmr gt dance prac again frm 5-8. HEHE.
It's greaatt.. great feeling to see nth.. a plain song to a group dance! *satisfied smile*. i always feel v satisfied when i do things to give God the glory. beams. when sis handed the dance choreographer post to me.. i felt alittle scared n hesitant (n shy) at 1st.. wondering if i can really make it up to standards n expectations. bt.. i really LOVE dancing n choreographing n production stuffs. lik getting involved with this kind of performance n events stuff. i LOVE using creativity. i love seeing it grow step by step.. up into wad u've visualised in ur mind. From nth.. to a fabulous stage act. i guess.. i love the stage=) altho i hvnt got much chance into this area beside this one n last yr's christmas prod., i thank God for this opportunity to see wad i'm capable of=) seeing the dancers dance to those steps.. those steps tt i've slowly took time to piece tgt.. seeing sme of them loving e dance too.. really is v satisfying!! Glory to God=)
k! TOODLES! *smiles*
the Princess' thoughts ;
Saturday, December 15, 2007

....he's in army.. he juz went in this morning at 11ish. sigh... did i mention he's in army? and he's able to book out one day on 19dec. and perhaps n christmas too. sighhh. did i mention i miss him badly?? ...did i mention im kinda sad n emo again??
the past few days were awesome btw. went for P.E.M(power encounter meeting) in church on wed, thurs n fri.
all the services were gooodddddd. funny n enriching *tinks*.
thurs n wed afternoon was slacking in church n stuff. so nice =x. hehe. OH n he bought me a hand cream n bath lotion n shades. bt the shades is kinda big thought. but its ok=) tks dear!
one super funny thing happened on wed.
Eugene ATE the BODY butter !!!! cuz it smells and looks toooooo much lik edible butter(it has a strong smell of mango n really is tempting to taste it) and plus my v nice sis was saying "ya ya ya.. use for chao cai one". so he happily took some n put in his mouth! hahaha omggg.. we really ROFLMAO. hehehe.
mmm.. ytd was a sad day. well not v pleasant la. smth* happened n sorta stiffened up e atmosphere but was quickly cleared up soon after.
towards e night after service.. i was growing REALLY REALLY emo.. lik was almost goin to burst into tears any moment kinda of feeling. lik a cup of water filled to the brim n any more drops added in will cuz it to overflow. everyone was wishing him gd luck/tc etc. SIGH. we held hands tight for one last time...looked at that face of urs once more.. looked into tt pair of eyes once more.. we both saw the reddness in each others eyes.. we both saw the reluctance. we both saw us holding bck our tears. we both saw hw much we're goin to miss each other..
i really almost cldnt fight those tears bck. dom was lik "huh..don cry la..*takes out the tissue*.. v fast one..". u know..anyone juz dont say tt to me nxt time when im abt to cry.. cuz it makes wna cry even more! juz be quiet n leave me alone. dont even look at me. but i noe u guys mean good.. really. tks anyways=) its juz ME.
throughout that call last nite.. e tears juz cant seem to stop. when i close e door behind me, the tears started to fall. it's really v hard to seem as if u wont cry at all.
im tinkin of him the whole of tdy too. bt not quite emo-ly la. i guessed still tryin to tink +vely n draw strength frm BigDaddy.
i tink of u when i board e train.. hw we used to train tgt
i tink of u when i see my necklace
i tink of u when i eat b.k
i tink of u when i look at my phone.. i miss ur smses
i tink of u when e night falls.. rmbing those calls of urs
i tink of u when i had my dinner/lunch.. wondering if u've had urs
i tink of u when i see ur fav food/drinks
i tink of u when i see ur jacket
i tink of u when i see sme1 really tall
i tink of u when i hear the word "army"..( i hate the word "army" right nw)
i tink of u when i see smth facinating/cool.. hving e urge to share it with you
i tink of u when i feel sad..n i wld wan tt hug v much.
sigh ok tata
the Princess' thoughts ;
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Sweet lollipop world

HE'S BACK!!!!! omg omg.. did i mention HE'S BACK??!! yay!!!
That call was awesommee. i nv thought i needed tt call SO much. it feels soooo gd hearing him again.. listening to his laughter.. talking n sharing abt everything.. almost able to see the smile on his face.. =) it feels good.. after such awhile when he's away.
A call, an sms, a meet-up.. tt cld b such an easy thing to achieve normally became a total luxury for e past week. this made me think alot. treasuring the every min i see him.. every min on e phone.. even every sms. i dw 2 take things for granted=) learning nt to. don wna tk e one i love for granted.
Mon: went out wif boon n rach to vivo. ehhh. shant say too much here i realised. haha.
met px at 7ish in town. she was with saachi. walked ard n her fren left den went to meet christie at lido, who was with her bf. ahh..misery.. to watch wadever that's less than 1 metre away frm our face. agonyyy! don do this again pls. discreet. hahaha.
Tues: went dentist. i officially declare my hatred for my dentist. He treats my mouth as if its made of rubber n tucks at my lips hwever he liks, pokes my gum lik it doesnt hurt n juz aint very nice. teeth hurts.
went hme..out again wif cousin val, jie, mummy to paragon for dinner.
got our brilliant idea for christmas gift. MUAHAHA im a genius. hehehe.
oh did i mention i had a sumptous 7 course meal on sunday for mummy's bday too?? hehe. HAPPY BDAY MUM! ok altho she dont read my blog bt nvm. haha. lobster grilled wif cheese, abalone, sashimi clam thingo, sea bass, clams, crabs..etc. coolios banana.
ok bck to ytd. ehh.. wnt hme n started lyrics composing wif sis again. wahaha. managed to get it all done up=) YAY. n she says im a genius. muahahahahahaa. damn funny.
TDY: mmm.. bored. goin for PEM later in e night. goin there earlier to pop by e drama prac. coolios.
i feel tt putting a lil pic up really makes e entry look nicer. haha. kudos to jill=)
k im bored.. TATA!!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Friday, December 07, 2007
Everyone's bound to hurt you sooner or later.. So its all about who's worth the pain..

Radi8-ed tdy. i almost cldnt keep bck e tears again.
down down down on moodside. period takes e blame. i don care.
the Princess' thoughts ;
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Thought of e day: Emo-ness is fleeing away frm me=)
ok im nt emo alrd. stayed at hme whole day doin nth again ytd afternoon n i wasnt emo!! which i ususally wld grow to become but i didn't. yay! lik wad tp say.. i muz learn to b strong=) even when he goes army. so tt when he can come out, he'll see a diff me, a stronger n cheerful me! =) bt still miss u darling.
ytd evening decided to pop by sis's prac at 7ish in church. slacked there watched their prac. pretty cool. haha.
ytd afternoon i was SOOO hoping for gid's sms to cme in.. i was lik "juz one.. juz one !! i neeeed it" whisperin to BigDaddy.
den during e night when sis was driving hme, e sms came!!! OMGGG u don noe hw HAPPPY n GLADDD i was!!! short n sweet one bt it meant A BIG TIME to me!! hehehe. *BEAMS* tks dear<3 xoxo.
tdy, im goin to mediacorp with my mum n my neighbour n one of her frens to watch e S POP HURRAY recording. my neighbour's son got the ticks so his mum asked my mum whether we wanna go. since i've nth much to do..go lor. haha.
oh n ytd night was hilarioussss!! haha!! sis n i was cming up with a poem n fit it into the tune of "That's hw u know"..e enchanted song. meant for the drama. Freaking funny la! haha. "I've been thinkin for three whole days..!" wahaha.
watched amazin race! so nice..=) pussycat doll search thing was nice too! haha. slept at lik 1.30ish watchin grey's anatomy on sis's maccie aka macbk.
woke up at 1.30. muahaha. sms-ed e mission team.
ok tata. OFF.
the Princess' thoughts ;
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Self indulge
sat on e couch for e whole day.
stared at the screen n watched it e whole day.
With the jacket lying right beside.
I guess its almost e only thing tt accompanied during e afternoon.
srsly, everything tt i do reminds me of u.
N i still cant hlp checkin on my phone periodically for smses( a habit of mine)
Then disappointedly putting it bck down, rmbering tt u're thousand miles away in thailand.
im less emo tdy. n tks to all who cheered me up ytd=) ur kindness is rmbed.
k.. nth interesting to say.
oh.. darn e hols hw.. n stupid hols is ending soon! CRAP. dies.
the Princess' thoughts ;
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Thought of e day: i seriously do not like being a crybaby
i HATE being so fragile, so vulnerable to emotions n start to cry. i juz DETEST IT!!
Ytd: church-ed. ate at waraku.. nice place. huge bowls of noodles. awesome selection of food. good food too. A innocent guy who merely wanted some sesame on his rice ended up opening e whole cap accidentally and in e nxt second, 3/4 of e sesame in e container was on his rice-.- HAHAHAHA it was HILARIOUS. "can feed bird alrdy lorr!"..hohohoho.
oh n did i mention shu ai being SUPER hilarious on our way to lunch?? ok let me narrate it.
Shu ai: ayye!! i wanna do smth crazy!! *proceeds to open e car's 'sunroof/moonroof' (wadever u call tt)*
My sis: Omg.. don't embarrass us pls..*hides her face behind e steering wheel*
Me: YA!! *hides my face using my watermelon bag(nt pencil case)*
*car drives pass a traffic light*
Sis: aye! quick! tt guy tt guy!
Shu ai: EH EH!! AYE AYEEEEE!!! *innocent guy at traffic light looks ard puzzledly..finally spotted shu ai who's stickin her head out of e car n gives a bewildered look* HELLLOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Waves*
ok bck to my topic. went to walk alil. den walked to dhoby with aiai n trained hme. HELLO! i went hme n stepped into e hs successfully ON MY OWN! whoo!! ok nt as if its e 1st time but yea.. 'm proud=)
Evening was Clement the Cheong's 21st bday bash at Changi Aloha. met aiai in church..waited for dom's dad to tompang us..along wif jerome n eugene. pretty cool van ride. haha.
Buffet. BBQ. Nice sea breeze. Anti social two sat near sme corner n chatted 4 awhile. haha. e place was pretty cool. gave us sme ideas for my 18th. oh n we kinda planned out e possible idea alrdy.
k.. i really don feel lik updating anymore. sad.
Woke up tdy.. feeling kinda emo. * flying off wif e missions team tonight. comin bck nxt tues..8 days. 8 dayyyss. as e dates go nearer n nearer to 15th dec.. my heart feels heavier. ok i AM sad.. i WILL BE depressed. it's normal i guess. I cant help feeling sad even right nw.. even tho i noe he's goin there for God's purposes n reachin out to others n i shld be happy for e chance he's gotten. bt guess wad.. im human. im still hv this whole part in me tt wans him to cme bck quickly. I sat dwn..talked to BigDaddy for awhile..pourin out wad i felt or wad i cant explain thru words. Then i got reminded of hw e way God always nv fails to cheer me up, comfort me in a way i can nv imagine nor guessed. always seem to b e right way. So i wiped away those tears..on-ed e com n blog-hopped. went to jill's blog n i stumbled upon this lil phrase tt says..
"God only puts us through as much as we can handle. So the people who struggle the most, have been chosen by God to be the strongest."
Instantly, i felt lighter at heart=) i cant say tt im fully perfectly bck on e cheerful side bt at least i feel a truckload better. THANK YOU BIG DADDYY!!! only u noes wad im goin thru..
i know e tougher part is nt yet here.. but soon ahead. I'll stay strong cuz He's nt goin to put me thru where He tinks i cant.
In e meantime this week.. i guess i'll drown myself in God's comfort, friends' company and homework(oh darn).
OH AND.. tks for e gifts!! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. it totally made my day. lik WHEEEE~*flys to e moon* kinda feeling. four words: " PRETTY, CUTE, HUGE n SWEET". shhhh..=P.. lovees.
i need a hug right nw.. i need that hug..
the Princess' thoughts ;