Thursday, November 29, 2007
{two days in a row was Full of meaning, love and sweetness}
1 year 5 mths..
74 weeks..
518 days..
12432 hours..
745920 minutes..
44755200 seconds..
1036 sunrise n sunsets..
of loving you my dear..
The counter goes on n on forever=)
I rmb e love tt we shared n when i figured out tt u really cared.
I rmb you said you'd nv forget and nv will i hv a single regret.
I rmb e way i used to cry but then rmbed u're e greatest guy.
I rmb sitting for hours waiting for ur call..then saying "ilu"..e best part of all.
28th- Gid's bday=) WHeEeeee. He's 18!!! OMGG.
we had our lil quality time out ytd. juz me n him. It feels really awesome to hv this priviledge to spend a special 18th with some1 special=)
so we disappeared into our own world ytd. haha. went vivo in e afternoon. Enchanted was REALLY nice. e fairytale mood still lingered in e air when e show ended. hehe. e songs r really disney-ish n nice!! hehe. n e show is hilarious too! had a sweet sweet happily ever after ending. yayness.
He opened up his box! e rather heavy, fully packed box tt i gave him as his present=). u tried to hide e smiles on ur face but i saw every of it.. u tried to hide ur shyness but i saw it. Just watching e expressions on ur face when u read thru everybit of it was priceless. and its all worth it=) pure sweeeeetttness.
went ps n saw miah n sashi coincidentally. Fred Claus was really hilarious. nice heartwarming show too.
Tralalalala. had sushi tei for dinner. It's on me. He treat me to ice cream later on. haha. niceee berry nice.
Nice walk hme ytd:) well.. last walk b4 he goes ns i tink. *SIGHSS*. Nvm i'll stay strong=)
okay toodlessss!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thought of e week: its tiring but its fun=)
OMG.. its been forever since i've last update. im too busy with having fun. hahaha. okay basically i've been out everyday this week and practically almost everyday last week too. tt expl. my lack of post.
anyways, i choose to update more on my days/wad i do/etc. rather than my thoughts/emotions cuz it's juz lik a diary to me. it wld b nice to flashback on ur past by browsing thru ur posts=).. smtimes wad u commonly do in e present might seem absurd to u in the future. ahaha so its pretty coolios banana.
Tues 20th: went to DO MY HAIR. i PERMED it. lik omgzz.. smth my sis take 2yrs to decide i actually made a choice in one week of brainstorming. haha. went wif px to coronation plaza(shldn't hv gone there). k my hair was........EHHHH. ya juz tt. its getting better as the days go by so preferably it will be that way. haha.
met * in town at 7 for dinner. i cant rmb wad we ate..was it village? k nvm dinner details nt impt.
walked ard den went hme.. it rained AGAIN. luckily we ran into e shelter in time b4 it starts to pour. haha. mummy came to fetch me.
Wed: met * in town. ehh walked ard. went far east..* got really bored with the girls-window-shopping-walk-aimlessly-anywhere-stopping-when-smth-catches-the-attention method of hanging out. that little boy grumbled so we went off for some for aim-ed shopping. haha. okay lame. went cine sat down..he bought a ice blended thingo. oh did i mention he cut his hair v short?? haha im gettin used to it alrd. good for me. n i think he's slimmed down alil. ok random.
Thurs: met px at her mrt..omg tt girl. Little Miss VERY Late pls!!!. i sat there lik sme idiot waiting n called her n guess wad? she was SLEEPING. pffts. alrdy
went town.. shopped abit. i bought a forever21 knitted striped long sleeve off shoulder top. V cute. haha. quite cheap too. n we went to try on GAPkids hoodie...sized XL. wahahaha. it's coolios to try kids stuff..when u're on a budget. haha. px might buy it.
oh oh n i bought sme realy cute M&Ms stuff outside lido e M&Ms hut. COOLIOS. M&Ms cookies! heehee.
den blahblahblah..christie n saachi came to meet us. THEY went to drink. px n i very guai-ly sat there..were v proud of ourselves. haha.
Fri aka tdy: Radi8-ed. msg was good=) enlightenment. good to bask in God's presence..good to feel the stir in my always=)
B4 tt!! met my beloved sweetie aka SHANNNNNNNN!!! hahahaha. its been SOOOOOOOO long since we've met up. loads of catchin up of cuz!! n crazy stuffs. the alltime laughter n spasticness with her. did loads of shopping too. oh n i passed her a cute bottle of gummies. haha.
1. Buffalo jeans (on sale)
2. Shirt frm woonderland at wheelock
3. smth for *=)
4. spag top frm far east
we went far east, wisma, heeren(to find e 'smth'..ahh..sacrifice *winks at shann*). it was total funness to hang out wif her cuz i always seem to end up broke. mere few hrs of shopping i can get many things. she's my lucky star!=). always find e things i wan. i've nv ever NOT bought any thing when i go out wif her. coolios banana.
Sat 17th nov: had the first dance prac. wow i muz say they are pretty good at picking things up huh? one practice and im done teaching the chorus part. haha. more on toning up the skills n stuff now.
waited for e 18th nov prac to finish den went to watch the play {You are Special}. "Buy a Box! Getttt a box! Be a better person buy a BOX!~". hahaha this has been the on going thing ever since the play. CRYCRYCRYCRY too. hahaha. funny. i enjoyed myself n got reminded of the msg behind the whole play too.
updates tt i forgot when they took place----:
went out wif jill twice..once to cityhall suntec there. pretty good shopping too. bought a shiny metallic dress and a a^^. heeeheee. my fav colourrr.
another time i got anotehr a^^ too. n a BOX! hahaa. bought a _ _ _ _ _ _. went to ps n to tt shop again to decide whether i shld get the _ _ _ _ _ _ n in e end i did. CUTE thing. met shu ai n we went town to slack n walk. ate fish n co.
met jill n char on a monday. jill passed me a pack of _ _ _ _ _ _ n we gt engrossed in it at maccas at taka. haha damn funny. my fingers were hurting frm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ them. bt its worth it=). n i bought a huge shade frm cotton on.
[ P.S. those who directly noes wads e missing words or the 'smth' or wadever ting tt got to do with the contents of the "BOX"...keep ur mouth SHUT tight b4 28th nov. tks alot for ur cooperation n help=) ] heheehe
oh n i got a new shiny shimmering wallet for 10 dou ler n i hearrt it. heh hehx.
k i shld go rush the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nw.. muahaha. i still got to do the _ _ _ _ lorr. jia you! haha.
ok ciaozz..( much update..slowly read ah..).
the Princess' thoughts ;
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Thought of e week: wooo.. its exciting
its been a happening, eventful week=)
Wed: hang out wif * at vivo. den he had to leave at 6ish. poutss. but we had a nice time anyways=) heehee. den cuz i didnt wanna go hme so soon..too lame alrdy. so went to look for my sis n shu ai at ps carrefour to buy stuff for the sausage party. we had a crazy time buying loads of atas bread n spent quite alot. haha.
Thurs: SAUSAGE PARTY~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOO! * came at 1plus. shu ai too. den went to heartland mall with *, sis n shu ai. * n i went to have our lunch while e other two went to grab some groceries once again. haha. went to join them later on. den headed bck hme to prepare for the party.
we were...ok they were busy preparing the stuffs (i didnt make myself v useful) hahaha. chopping garlic n onions, peeling potatos, mashing them..etc. well..i did the mash potatos. heehee. and the onions made me cry=(. hahaha. everyone who came n saw e HUGEE onion was pretty facinated by it's size. haha. cute.
e guys came over at ard 4plus. den ppl started to come in ard 5plus. the party kicked off at 6 officially i tink. haha. many ppl ps-ed us so in e end we had food left. played sme number game to clear the food. btw, eating sausages can really make ppl SOO full. but my hotdog bun was REALLY good. heees. better than ikea's. haha. overall, it was a blast.
e guys came up n we played cards b4 they left at ard 11ish.
Fri: Radi8-ed. Sashi shared.. wow u bet the message was a blast. Reflectreflect..thinkthink..pondersponders. Thought abt my identity in Christ... Love anyway and not because.. Give without expecting. The closest person to Jesus that others see is you. so its vital that we make our lives seem worthy and glorify His name. The poem was nice.. really hit me too.
People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
awwwwwww. really. how true is that huh?
"How would you promote world peace?"
" Go home and love your family"
It starts here.. where each of us are standing.. situated for a purpose.. place at this position for a reason.. planted strategically for a plan. Touching your Jerusalem.
I learnt not to complain so much too.
Sat: went to church to meet sis n shu ai..went to holland v for Cold Rock. woahh.. aussie one is nicer and pro-er BUT my dark chocolate ice cream with maltersers and ferro rocher mix-ins is still pretty good. hees. den went to maccas at lido. sis did her script. we juz slacked there n stuff. hme-ed at 11ish.'s abt it la. hahaa. Toodles=)
oh.. Romantic princess aka Gong zhu xiao mei is really niceE! watching on youtube currently. hahaha.
the Princess' thoughts ;
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

when it all piles down to simple things
wooowwww.. aint that sweet?
yay im uber happy. im seeing him on tues, wed, thurs and fri. heee. greattt!
Mon: went out wif px. suppose to meet her at 1 but tt girl woke up at 12.30-.- win alrdy lorr.. so met at 2 instead. went orchard cine...thought of catchin a movie since huimin gave me that voucher. but it was either horror or M18. sian. so we VERY kindly gave e voucher away to two girls whom very appreciated our act of random kindness. heehee.
walked ard.. i love that shirt from NUM! prissy pretzel. so cute ! ahh.. its 50 dou ler though... but i realy like it. gahhhhh. pouts.
walked ard shopped shopped. our legs hurt so i went for a haircut. haha. macham no difference sia.. i thought i told him i wanted two inches chipped off. BOO. nvm. forgiven. he did some curls for me.. realy nice!=) px wanted to perm her hair so we decided to go tgt and find some cheaper place. haha. its 180plus to perm there. WOW BOMB.
slacked at starbucks in e night. oh n px didnt eat much for e whole day.. few koped calamaris frm me at village, two plates of sushi at sakae for dinner and a bagel at starbucks.
Tues aka tdy: met * for dinner at 6 near my place(heartland mall area). beef noodles! nice nice. went to the mart n he bought sme stuff. walked ard the oh-so-very-small mall n den he walked me home. even though it was a short meet up...even though it wasn't any expensive dinner..even though we were dressed slack-ish..even though it was mere simplicity.. it was reaaallllyyyy nice n sweet. walking side by side..being able to talk abt all e nonsense under e sun..spendin time. really it was splendid. tks dear=) tks for e beef noodles too=) meh hehs.
i've been watchin dvds AGAIN.. when i have alot of stuffs to do. sigh. bday stuffs mostly. jill, ning, shann,*..etc. plus i haven't really finalised e dance for christmas. jie jie moved her blog lerr. so im re linking her agains.oh im goin out wif cute little shannie on fri! yayness! catching up! haha. and i so cant wait for thurs!! FUN! BLAST! hope nth screws up pls.
k im feeling kinda sleepy..for dk wad reason. weirddd.
so wad if he's goin army soon? tt totally doesnt equate you to having more chances. nv in a million yrs. i've made it clear so stop doin stupid things to remind me of you..cuz it kills me. stop gettin on my warning you.
k im off. TATA!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Thought: SLack
yay! woohoo! freeeeDDDooomMMMmmmMM!!
pw is OVERRRR! hooray!
Testimony time! : on thurs. LOADS of drama. late. forgetfulness. scolding. terror. rushing. that was ALL pre presentation. i believe all that happens for a reason. like wad God says all things work together for the best that suits you. so if He allowed all that drama, i'll accept it. Thinking back, it not only did not affect me(lik wad logically would to anyone), it kinda helped me to forget abt my anxiety for the presentation. i merely focused on whether my mum can get to sch in time. so somehow, miraculously, to God be the glory, i was pretty pleased with my performance and it wasnt affected at all=)
Fri: started watching my hana kimi again the whole afternoon. Radi8-ed. d didnt wax/gel his hair! haha. tt lik i tink e first time i see him with his hair un-gelled. he still looks as cute=P(im serious)..or even cuter with his new green shirt on. hee. loves.
worship was not bad..learnt a new song. but it feels really weird without jill ard. cuz i didnt noe where to stand/do/sit n stuff. seems lik im still nt v close to the peeps there? shrugs. tt's nt a good thing considering e fact tt im nt a new comer.
Sat aka tdy: Hanakimi-ed the wholeeeee day. hahaa. finished it alrdy. Wooahh.. its still as nice as ever. Quan is still as cute as ever. teeheexD. can i get a witness for tt?? hahahaha. i can nv get sick of tt show or Quan. Xiu yi is SO darn funn-ily retarded! loved tt show man! nv fail to make me roflmao. ahhh... i so forsee im goin to watch the third time.. or even fourth this holiday. heee.
ok ning's bday is coming..need to get the present. oh and our lil movie outing to watch stardust. DON PS US AGAIN AH! hehehehe.
huimin gave me this ticket deal thingo. goin to catch it with px=) hopefully she rmbs..hahahaa. gonna remind her again i tink. d cant make it..*sighs*. its okay i understand=)
i srsly wan a psp slim! but charleen says its lik 400+ juz the darn psp itself. FAINTS. even if my dad allows, i wont even allow myself. its too expensive! gaAHhhh.
okay. i may go cut my hair tmr if i gt nth to do. shrugs.
i love you
you love me
we are happy family... are we?
sometimes i really envy those family days of others.. those days where you get together and spend time. i see my dad once a week. i can count the no. of words i say to him. even if there's time, it's so hard to talk..cuz everything alrdy feels so weird n stagnant. sometimes, it really hurts. i cry in e middle of nights when i think of the word "family". well.. i guess no one will ever read this.
the Princess' thoughts ;