Saturday, April 28, 2007
Thought of e day: AHH!! im buzzy as a beeeeee..
okok..busy busy sch week. im SO BUSY!! there's so many tings for me to do. test to study, tutorials to complete, exams to eyebags r down to my cheeks. my dark circles r spreadin to my forehead.
ok enuufffffff ahhh abt the lousy sch days.
ok had a half day on thurs cuz of syf good performance by all the various celebrate! stingy sch only gave HALF day...sch ends at 12.30! -.- heellooo! its HALF DAY lehhh.. still end so late..pffts.
so went to ps to get sum stuffies for scrap booking.. wow i simply LOVEE tt shop! its awesome its great its FAB! i wanted to get EVERYTHING! its so so nice=) spent like 1.5 hrs n 65 dou lerr in there. hees. gg to make nice nice cards/scrapbooks !!!
fri was yoooutttthhhhhh !!! RADI8!! i LOVEEEEEEEEEEE gg to TOTALLY.. i feel uber relaxed n chilled a time out frm all the hustle n bustle in sch.. soaking in God's presence n feel His peace n take a good rest. hmm..its this really good feeling. Let me give an illustration - juz like after a LONG tiring day..n u reach home, put everyting aside, fills the bathtub wif nice warm water..soak urself inside and hv a little bubble bath...'s e kinda of feelin i get whenever i go church.. esp Radi8 cuz its lik after e whole sch week. can u feel the shuangggness?? haha.
had sum discussion thingo abt being Jesus' disciples. worship was good. fellowship was good. OH OH! not to forget..the Meiji dark chocolate was veRyY GooDdd..!!! heeees. exceptionally ggoOdd.. *winks at sumbody*
SAT!! aka tdyy.
leadership training. had a good time laughin at sam/sis/shu ai while they wrestled wif each other n run ard e room. den tagged along to trinity.. * was ard e whole day so it made things even better. heeehee. and wah seh.. *salutes trinity's worship team* they are one word---- PRO!!!!!! P-R-O! thumbs up sehh. altho i noe nuts abt music..but they are REALLY good. their worship was kinda fast tho sum songs..good stamina i muz say.
went geylang for dinner. wow..e beef hor fun is GOOOODDDD!! shiok la. *drools* yum yum. the tou hua was alright nia.. ok la. chilled for awhile den POP! im home=)
oh oh..not to forget.. had loads of fun wrestling wif shu ai n calling her.... TAM PUI!!!! wahahah!! her new name.. i came up wif it indirectly. wahahaha. *if she reads this, she's SO gg to kill me for publishin her new name on my blog but who cares im not scared=p* TP!!! muahaha.
OH OH! phrase of the day!! heard it during the sermon at trinity.. hit me real on the heart=)
: " you will never know that God can catch you if you have never learn to let go."
OK toodles!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Friday, April 20, 2007
Thought of e day: BUSY JC LIFE!!
hmm hvnt been bloggin for quite a while.. and hmm..nth much to blog abt too besides the boring NJCian typical mugger lifestyle. hahaha. really man.. DULL. D-U-L-L. haha. but tks for frens ard la. i love the "eye am wee tar dirt" thingo. damn funny!!
hmmm.. loads of test upcoming up. hope i really pass them.. to boost abit of my moral. haha.
Radi8-ed tdy.. worship was GOODDD..e songs were good la..nice songs and almost seemed like e first time e worship was long enough. normally is like pretty short. had a form e puzzle thingo game and the prize was a whole box of KRISPY KREME DONUTS!!!!! OMG OMG!! and guesss wad ?? WE WON!!!!! WOOOHOO!!! *cheers loudly and dances abt*. YAY!!!!!!!! cool rite!?? girls rocks man. hahaaha. e donuts were gooooooooddd!! especially the dark choc filling one.. wah sehhh...*thumbs up!* yum-ilicious=P. but cannot eat too much..will puke..too filling. haha.
ok and apologies to CLAIRE AMANDA LOPEZ!! hahaha. she's damn cute la.. so ke ai. here's hw the conversation of me n her goes on msn e other day:
C: ur card is still with me leehz..=P
D: oh haha btw, do u noe i got the book already!!?? its damn nice!!
C: -.- *angrY*
D: WAHAHAHA! oops!! oh man tt's so sweett!!
D: hahaha! so hv u read it?
D: haha!! ok ok chill chill!! heehee.
she's damn funny la! i was lik laughin out loud infront of my com. hahaha. but it was totally sweet of her to get me e book. i love my lil ah ben fren!! haha.
You said yr frens might desert you if they know the one inside..
You said no one will love you if they know the truth you hide..
But there's someone else who knows you more than urself.
and He also loves u more than anybody else.
Jesus doesnt care what u've done before..
How u've rebelled or slammed the door..
no matter hw far u've run or hw long u've been untrue
Jesus doesnt care..He still offers forgiveness to you..=)
isnt He amazing?? =)
hmm..ok nth to blog abt liaoz..BUAI BUAI! tata!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Thought of e day: OH such a FABULOUS BDAY!!!
it may nt be e most glamourous, it may nt be e most expensive, it may nt be e most elaborated bday but..its the sweetest onE!!
IN e morning!! received like tons of smses from my sweet sweet peeps!!! it totally brightens up my dayyyy!!! heeees. THANKS TO ALL WHO SMSED ME/WISHED ME/GIVE ME PRESENTS!!
chewy gave me a t shirt! boon n teresa gave me a pencil case and a water bottle!! its like wad i've been wanting to get la. hahaha. TKSS!!
special mention *: ahhhh tks for e sweeettt smses!!! and e book!! and e lovely, cute, sweet, pretty, simple, nice..*ok..i tink if i continue praising it..ppl will say im being Soo biased* bookmark! hehs. yay. e book is LOVVEEEE=)
watched mr bean. got funny parts la but its not SUPER funny and laugh non stop like wad i've heard. and e movie is kinda short.
OK pictures time!!

arent they loveeee. haha. OH OH! daddy n mummy gave my hong bao too. shhhs abt e amt. wahaha. orelse everybody will come running to me n ask for treats. heh hehs.
oh n i've received like ALOT more bday wishes frm ppl than last yr. yayness! *loveed*. and shann is being so sweet to even put on her nick!! my bestie=) haha.
hangin out wif ning n claire soon to watch movie and celebrate my belated bday. hahaha. im SOO glad tt my frens rmb my bday! even if its juz a tiny sms but its good enough to make me smileeee!! tks a bunch ppl!!
oh oh..not to forget.. SISTER MADE ME A CARD!!! HAND MADE OK!!!!!!! HANDMADE!!!! *SHouts out to the whole world* i saw it beside my bag this morn n i was like *GASPED*. its SOO chio!! shi mei de lorr!!! the back part is even cuter. there's this bar code tingo n copyright sign and says "handmade". n the price code there writes "priceless". ahhh..THANKS SISTER!!! I LOVEEEE ITTTTT!!!!! its currently displayin proudly in a prominant spot in my room=) yay. the contents of it almost made me touchingg! ahh..sweet sister i've got=) hehe. jealous?? like sooo happy tdy. don wan tmr to come. hw i wish its bday everyday!
ok im uber tired..TATA!! im 17!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks heapsss dd..=) really appreciated it..=) adding to my memory..
the Princess' thoughts ;
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Thought of e day: Good friday and Easter!!
FRIDAY: went for good friday was a great message. touched me right deep down in my heart=) its a new way of message too.. Six agonising hours one friday... e message goes hr by hr. so everything's more..vivid i can say.
went hme did work.. gettin really restless at night cuz * is coming back=) hees.
talked to sum1 online..cldnt stand all the beating ard e bush..e talk was v much needed by me. i've said n tried wad i can.. but tt doesnt mean i'll stop doing tt or saying things to win u back. im not wasting my time for doing it out of love. im not frustrated at all even at any one point of the conversation..i was juz heartbroken towards e end. I stared at e screen...crying like a fool suddenly..overwhelmed by sorrow. yes..i was crying for u. i donnoe y i was crying but i juz did..seeing sum1 i've regarded like a lil sister to me becoming lyk dat.
SATURDAY: whhhheeeee!!!!! I SEE *!!!!! like omg omg omggg.. one week IS LONG for me. yay for my hp! alive once again. haha. yay for me!! hees. went to church at 12..all e peeps gathered den we went off to east coast park to hv fun.
da pao-ed maccs to east coast to eat. it started to pour when we were at e beach. den the funniest part is rachel and i hv to go to e loo. haha. so we took e umbrella n walked quite a distance. damn funny.
cycled later on when the rain stopped. it was FUUNNN! bt i was kinda screaming at first due to my uber rusty cycling skills. i tink the last time i cycled was during sec2 chalet..which is..ahem..years ago. haha. but got e 'feel' of it later on..den shuai, sis, sam, rach, sarah n me, we started singing songs..esp the I am a C, I am a C-H..etc. song. haha. super funny. shu ai started shouting "EH! NOOB!" at passerbys. den we cycled bck to where e guys were playin frisbee..everytime we pass by, we will sing UBER loud to irritate them. haha. did tt for like 4 times. ppfftss.
hmm..den went hme soon after tt..we were all shagged n tired n stinky n smelly n sticky..blahblah. soo was FUN! =))))
OK i've on-ed e com intending to do my P.I bt..hmm..
TOODLES!! will update soon.
u're not receptive..u're nt trying to listen to wad im tryin to say all along..juz simply saying u cant u cant u cant. continue that and u'll really cant even if u can.
the Princess' thoughts ;
Sunday, April 01, 2007
hmm.. decided not to hv thought of e day. haha.
friday: went to youth..jill came too to register for e camp. service was good..preached by lmm amy!! aka my sister. i totally hv no clue tt she's preachin on fri. haha. i was totally confused y she asked me abt the 'daniel' story. i was totally shocked when i heard her say it. hahaha. it was pretty hilarious. felt CHECKED for sum qns..learnt much tings from it.
GOD--->ME --->*goes back to God*
i stood there, prompted by His presence to raise up my hand towards Him. Quiet and still, i prayed to the Lord..crying out to Him for the deep healing for my soul, the comfort for my heart, the sweetness of His love. "you thought it was thought it was long ago gone and sealed..but Holy Spirit is telling you that in fact it isnt.. " tears kept flowing upon hearing those words..God knows..I know tt there's smth within me there's left unhealed, painful and bleeding. I raised my hands to my Healer..a strong presence surged within me and it felt soothing.. Thank you Father..
after service, hanged ard alil and went supper wif e youths. jill tagged along too. had cheese prata=D yumms.
mummy came to pick us up..fetch her hme. went hme. ya pretty much my day.
Sat: went for leadership training. uber uber tired after i gt hme so i napped a while.. woke up n chionged my PI from 4.30 to 7..goshh..i can juz melt infront of e com doing tt man.. i don noe why i took sooo long.
why arent u happy for me? why arent u glad tt im doing all this? why arent u reacting the way i thought u would? why muz u hit me with those 4 words? nevertheless, its not going to stop me..its not going to affect me.. i've never been so clear in wad im involved with.. i've never felt tt happy gettin involve with smth.. im doin this..and i will continue to do more of it=)
Sun: church..came bck..did sum revision n tutorial..slacked n surfed e net for awhile. chatted wif * =)))) online. back to the com blogging. oh man i sound dead. haha. hme alone nw..daddy mummy gg for movie..sister ehhh..needless to say who's she out with. hahaha.
got a pretty impactful msg tdy by ps for the spirit=) :
"Food for thought" of the day: LOVE IS AN ACTION WORD... words mean nth.. If u love God, u will show it through praise, worship, giving, getting involved etc. Moreover if u love sumone(who is like there physically), show it by DOING say i love u is very much easier than displaying the meaning of it.
Love God..spread the love from God to others..loving them as urself and touching their lives.
Phrase of the day: LOVE is like a boomerang.. when u throw it out, it comes back to you=)
OK toodles.. im offfff..*zooms off in a speed of light*
to infinity and beyond!!
the Princess' thoughts ;