Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Thought of e day: in aussie rite nw
yo guys!! miss me anot!!! thanks 4 missin me if u do..hahaha. n i miss singapore too!! i wanna go there n shop!! ok...i shall tell u abt my first two days in aussie.
day 1:
in e plane tt landed on e earth of aussie at nite 7.30*aussie time*. blah blah blah all e customs n finally went out of e gates. i was hopin for my sista to say "AHH!!!!" when she sees us but she was nt there. mummy was being SOO paranoid when it is only ten mins passed our meetin time. so she was lyk "die la die la" hahaha...n i was puttin on tis " u-r-juz-so-paranoid" look on my face. hahhaa. there she naggin at me on y is jie jie nt comin..y din i call her last nite when i did called her e nite b4.
there she is!! my little jie jie rushin to us n sayin sry sry all e way----she is late. mummy finally calmed down n we went home! in her cool n funky FTO sports car. haha.
i stepped outa e airport n i nearly froze frm head to toe. its FREEZIN!!!!!!! its suppose 2 b summer but!!! my sis says the weather is so rainy these few days tt its so cold nw. sydney was 15 degrees tt day!! cool huh...wad an ironic summer.
i onli brought one jacket cuz i thought its summer...n it cant keep me TT warm frm e coldness. hahaha. so we reached home finally while i was complain e weather.
home was ok..its super cozy n i m so adapted to it nw..e funny ting abt aussie homes is tt their toilet bowl n the shower place is SEPARATE!!! i was lyk " oh snap"...-_-||.. so i reluctantly accpected e fact.
2ndly, there is nth better to do but to stone/slack/eat/tok/play dumb when its after 5*except on thurs* e shops close at 5..but there is late night shoppin at thurs. anyway, i was stonin down there at 9 plus..n finaly slept at 12 plus. wich is only 10 in sing!!! hahaha..oh well.
day 2:
i went shoppin at indooroopilly shoppin mall..its a subert shoppin mall..subert is lyk a neighbourhood. but in s'pore, neighbourhood shoppin mall is lyk TINY..but here is HUGE!! i went happily shoppin at jayjays, city beach, sports girl, valleygirl, general pants n co. n of cuz supre. so..i bought a shirt tt says "angelic outside" on e front n "devillish inside" on e back..hahaha. coool huh?? its 15 aus. nt too bad la. den i went city beach...wich is our flash n splash..i bought roxy pencil case. den i went to target store wich is our metro/robinson/john little all merged together as it is HUGE!!! i bought smackers..its lip gloss. ok!! tt is wad i bought today....sad sis bought a necklace frm roxy, a earring, skirt n a pencil case. she is really a shoppin queen.. n she tried on a tsubi purple jeans at general pants n co. its nice but ex. tis gurl takes no longer than 15 mins to decide whether to buy. but she hestitated at e jeans cuz ok onli la i tink. tmr i goin shoppin again..all day shoppin..shall cut my newspaper articles tonite after dinner... ciao guys!!! willl update every two days..unless i bought loads of stuff n SSOO wanna share wif ya. bye!!!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Thought of the day: i m SOOO EXCITED!!!
goin aussie really really soon!!! e good part is im goin shoppin all day!!! e bad part is tt i hv homework to do....SIAN!!!!! sumbody pls kill e teachers!! hahaha.
u noe wad?? jie jie say tt there is ALOT of clothes she has to bring back..she is SHIPPin sum back..issnt tt cool?? hahaha..SOO many clothes..n she givin me some..*shhs..* don let mummy noe or she will pull her hair out.haha.jkjk.
xiao pei is cumin back soon!! so lokin forward to fetch her frm e airport tmr..i hvnt seen her for WEEKS!!! its a real struggle kies!! juz imagine u don see yr best fren, best partner to laugh wif, best buddy to try clothes wif, best pals to shop wif, best spastic woman to play wif.. for e ENTIRE two weeks plus!!!!! i nearly died..nearly..n i m goin to see her for one day n go off to aussie...sad...y did u go to NZ??? hahaha.. sadly..i m goin 4 a mth..cant see her..but i got shoppin!!!!! muz miss me hor xiao pei!! hahaa..go to SKIN for me pls..i wan abercrombie stuff...
n i really wonder hw much skittles did the machine give u out of 20 cents.. 20 cents LEH!!! wad is tt la!!!! i tink e machine is spoilt..seriously..cant b tt cheap..u shld turn more!! if it was for me, i will empty the whole machine..hahahahaha!!! i mean if it were for us..haha..we r spastic er ren zhu!!*two-person-grp* aha.. n u hvnt write a blog entry on my nicknames!! go man!! i wanna read abt it..hahaha. ok...crappin till here n i shal stp rite nw..TATA!!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Thought of e day: i bought my pocket mirror!!!!!
xiao pei!!!! envious?? my mirror is realy cute u noe!! u wan anot?? i buy for u!! muz call me n tell me u wan anot leh!! email too long liao. rmb ah!! call me immediately after u finished readin my entry. ok. i shall tell u my shoppin trip today. n lyk wad my jie says..there is always a story behind is mine. *yr heels r cute*
went to tampines mall after church wif e in REALLY folks. my uncle, aunties n my mum. we went to ting tai feng. n b4 tt i lingered ard cuz e restaurant is not ready 4 e tables yet. i spotted a ultra pinkish furry-decorated stall..those small small one lyk trolley ones? i went to lok *curious*. n i saw MIRRORS!!! they nt only sells mirrors but all types of other cute cute stuff tt is PINK n furry. hahaa. girls r lyk tt. i cant hlp it man! so i peeped into e rotatin glass display compartment kinda ting. i saw soo many cute handphone keychains.*do u call those tt??* n i saw MY mirror!!

nice rite!!! so girly n cute!! hahaha. many of u may tink its sooo ugly n childish..but oh wel!! i really lyk it! e more i see, e more i lyk. i din make a bad choice!! n its cheap lor! its 8.90. i went to suntec last time n saw one tt is square n no designs at all..15 bucks leh! n tis mirros is really accurate too!! not those blurr blurr ones.
so xiao pei!!! u wan anot??? loks cute huh?? its e best price i can find in singapore liao. u wan pls tell me ASAP!!! its limited edition!! its a gd deal! pls call me!! lyk rite nw! email too slow liao. ok?? guai....
juz tell u sum parts abt friday la. we went late. we reached at 7.25pm n worship started. no seats so hv to sit at e side *isolated* haha. so pissed off by miss shann aka slow pok. haha. she left e hs soo late n came soo late n made me wait sooo long. oh well. i forgive u. haha. i wanted to go at 7.00pm but cant. sad.. who huh?? *stare* anyway. e service was ok la. normal stuff lo. ok. juz wan to tell u shann's lateness n pls gurl!! b punctual! haha. guai....kies...TATA!!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Thought of e day: i watched harry potter on e 16th!!! its SUPER NICE!!
i went to watch harry potter wif claire n sam. ITS DAMN NICE!!!!!! i LUV e effects n stuff!! so real n cool!!! n u noe wad?? HARRY IS SOO CUTE!!! he is gettin cuter n cuter!!! oh man...sooo dashin..haha. i m mesmerized by his bravery n heroic acts. haha..abit too kuang zhang la but he is really soo cute anyway!!! i din like him cuz of his loks only kies!! depends on his role in e movie too. not lyk sam!! she lyks e duno-hw-to-spell-his-name guy. e one tt died. ok. i shall get on e details..
we were decidin wad we shld buy n eat..soo troubled cuz we intend to hv our dinner as tt. sam bought a popcorn. i finally decided to buy two cheese hotdogs wich cost me 4 bucks!!!! sux rite!! one for 2 bucks!! wad is tt man!! ROBBERY!!! stoopid cinema.-_-. but its nice though..dON NEED TO COST SO MUCH WAD!!! *cool down*. n i shared e nachos wif claire. we walked into e hall wif sooo much excitement!!! i was lyk "sam!!! finaly!!! " sam was lyk "aiyo!! so ironic!! don read e book wan to watch." i m lyk wadeva!!
so we sat down. its e PERFECT SEATS EVER!! e screen is sooooo center!! i took lyk hrs to book them cuz of e stoopid system dey had. so mah fan. oh well!! we started eatin away at 6.30 i guess..e show starts at 6.40. soo afraid tt we will finish e stuff b4 e show starts. haha.
FINALLY!!!!! ITS STARTED!!!! oh man. i got soo freakin excited abt it n grabbed claire arm. hahaha. blah blah blah..e show went on..harry fought wif e dragon n e scene at e roof of hogwards was e best! soooo CLIMAX n tension buldin. haha. super nice!! but of cuz. harry got away la. soo scary!! he fell frm e top n slide down! he loks damn cute!! haha. oops.
next i rmbed most clearly is e ball scene. he loks CUTE in his robe or wadeva u call tt ting. n he is soo cute in e scene where he asked cho chang abt goin to e ball wif him. hahaa. soo shy!! n he is so sad when got rejected.
n e funny parts r when ron n harry were tokin abt getin a partner n got hit by e teacher soo many times. haha.
e last few scenes in e maze. he ran n ran escapin frm e vines n saved sagrid*i donnoe hw to spell!*. SEE!! so sacrificial. n of cuz where he fought BRAVELY wif vodlemort.*does it spells lyk tt?* wif his wand.
in conclusion after i stepped out of e theatre. HARRY IS CUTE!!!!! hahaha. okies. i m not realy understandin sum characters n e accent of e character r really heavy n my english SUM parts din understand hw tings work. SO!! im not obsessed by e show. well by DANIEL who acts as harry. AH!!! he is soooo cute! ciao~~~~~
the Princess' thoughts ;
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Thought of e day: call me miss shoppin queen pls!!
went out with my mummy today..lyk i hv declare many yrs ago tt tis is gonna b borin after i went out many times with xiao pei wich is SUPERBLY fun..but oh well no harm tryin it out again as i m rottin to death at home*although i hv a mountain of homework but whu cares!*
she wanted 2 go 2 bugis street so we went there at 2pm after eatin lunch at 1pm. i woke up only at 12.00pm so tt explains y our lunch is late. haha.suppose 2 hv lesson at 11--12.30pm but WHO CARES!! i play truant!! cannot meh!! hahahaha..i m rebellious..tts me! we r at e marlam-ish place. walk n lingered ard e place n stp by a shop as my mum spotted a TO-HER-IS-NICE shirt..i shrugged when she asked me abt it n compliment it alittle. its not TT bad la..ok lo. its a bare back tingy. its 20 bucks. my mum said it was too ex n bargained further but failed. so we left e shop n wondered off again. i went 2 e same shop i went wif xiao pei last time where we bought our earrins. i bought another three more *its 3 for 10buck*..its a i m not a spendthrift. its really nice. i m addicted to indianish it sashi, jie jie or xiao pei tt is influencin me?? hahaha.
went 2 topshop at 3.30pm. i wan 2 show mummy e skirt me n xiao pei tried on. e ultra short scottish plated skirt?? e really cute n modern one?? rmb anot xiao pei?? haha. n there it is!!! i cheered when i spotted it.haha..exclaimin abt its cuteness n unique design, cuttin, material to mummy. haha. i wanna try it 4 her 2 see hw cute is really is. *its short* haha. mummy say its really nice too..hmm hen mei ah! tt is wad she said. so she asked me to buy it. hahaha. my mum ROX!!! hahaha..i don need to ask 4 tings..she offered!! so happily we paid after choosin frm 3 identical lokin skirts..she checked e sewin tingy n stuff la. yEA!! i m soo HAPPY!!
okies. den i went 2 e new mickey n pink panther shop. really cutE!!! open liao leh xiao pei!! we MUZ go one day!!! anyway..din spot anyting nice la. okies la. not too bad
end of my day of shoppin..i can really buy stuff. replied gideon when he smsed me n told him wad i got in hand n he is lyk miss shoppin queen ah! u gonna buy more in aussie!! i m lyk sure enough man!! haha.i cant wait!! its only two weeks more!!! yippy!!!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Thought of e day: hmmm..youth isnt tt scary after all huh?? in fact it rox!
harlow to all folks...i went to youth!!!!!!! alone!!!! without my jie!!!!! but with shann la..but still!!! at least i manage to go to youth alone!!! hahahaaha..its really an achievement. last time, even with my jie, she HAS to persuade me lyk mad inorder to drag me to youth with her..hahaha. slowly, i went with her with alittle more willingness...but there MUZ b her jie?? no question! *shuts myself in e room* jie jie always tries to convince me to go to youth while she is in aussie..but i refused still!! hahaha..i don noe y yesterday felt lyk goin so msged shann to go with me..she is a nice gurl of cuz n accompanied me there. i went!!!! finally!!! both jie n sash muz b lyk...phew..finally man..tis gurl is really hard to encourage. well i din let them down..i went!! to my surprise..not tt bad huh!! hahaha..practically cuz i noe sash n gideon alittle more n there is shann..*impt*..hahaha!
okies..i stepped in n spotted sash drummin away. i waved hi! n smiled..ok..its diffcult kies! he returned a bright smile too.. haha..found seats n sat down..behind was benson aka brother bear. haha..talked n laughed. e singin started..n ended..n we sat down again..behind me n shann were clement, gideon, sash, amos. haahah..tell u wad man!! dey r REALLY SUPER funny pple..makin little noises behind..clement disturbin shann abt sum guy, passin sweets ard n clement playin with e gobstoppers in his hand n choosin e colors..haha..sash oso choose colors for lyk so long! hahaa..there is only four more left but he took his time..i gave a stare n he returned e box back reluctantly sayin "i wan purple!!" actin lyk a kid..hahahaa..amos makin pig noises n stretchin sash's big alreadi ah still play lyk a kid..*sash*..hahahaa..n they love to say tings funny..
oh!! tell u a secret! sashi drooled till his shirt durin one of e youth service! hahaha..shann told me. so me n shann were makin fun of him after youth..hahaha.. so funny!! he was lyk "aei!! u tell her!! oei..." hahahaha.. i knew it!!! jie jie..u can make fun of him too..hahaa..oh man can die frm laughin..AHH!!! i love youth!!!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Thought of e day: my jie jie is SOO CUTE!!!
tis is wad my BELOVED CUTIE LOVABLE jie jie wrote on her blog..
Thought of the day..... :: OMG...... OMG... OMG.... OMG!!!!!!! check THIS out.... i realised how much my little cutie pie resembles me.... THIS MMMMUUUUCCCCHHHHH........

O.....M.......G........... this is scary.... scary not coz she looks like me... good tt she looks like me.. scary coz someone can resembles me SO MUCH!!! I MEAN... yeah... she's MY sister after all!!! but this is also SOOOO CUTE at the SAME TIME!!!!
cute hor she?? hahahha..i love her man!! muacks her a thousand times!!!! she is soooo excited over tt fact tt i grew to lok more n more lyk her over e yrs especailly durin her aussie stay..perhaps cuz she din see me everydae lyk she does last time n my fashion sense DRASTICALLY changes over e two yrs due my xiao pei's influence..haha..good influence. became more fashionable n will lok more lyk my jie lo!! tt is a gd ting..we used to lok different. oh i bought a nike shirt yesterday!!! really nice lor!!!! its grey *xiao pei gave stare n i stare back*...wich is xiao pei's most hated color..haha i don mind so i wanna pissed her off by buyin it n PURPOSELY wear it in front of her..hahaha..

nice??? it has a gold label on e sleve n says "nike"..not bad la hor.. anyway..i gtg.. don feel lyk writin purpose of tis entry is to tell e WHOLE WIDE WORLD tt my jie jie is so cute!!! she is my tomato ketchup. hahaha..ciao!!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Thought of the day: i love shoppin!! especially these few days!!!
HIYO FOLKS!!! u noe tis public hols on thurs rite..yea. i went out with xiao pei!!! finally!! hv been dyin to go out with her after she came back frm malaysia..juz a few days apart n i realised hw much i missed her..yea..anyway!!! we went to orchard...the topshop there..n we tried a really COOL knitted short jacket..its beigh..n xiao pei was lyk givin me tis *don stand near me with tt ugly ting!!* lok when i picked it up excitedly..HEY gurl!! trust yr buddy's taste k!! i m a future fashion designer of the top brands k!!! i always picked up clothes tt lok nice..hahaa..those clothes tt pple tink is weird n funny..we took another ULTRA EXTREMELY HARDLY COVERS YR BUTT skirt..hahahaha!! is NC16.. its SUPER DUPER short tt is beyond imagination..really man. its scottish design n cashmere material...really modern n elegant pattern with a tint of playful feelin in it..haha. so i matched tt with e knitted jacket n both turned out FAB!!! i shot xiao pei a *see i told u its nice lok* after we put it on..haha. its 80 bug 4 tt jacket..its size 14..its nice but alittle bigger than we left e shop.
SUNTEC CITY here WE COME!!!! hahaha..its a new cool n funky chill out place xiao pei n i discovered..we went to eat subway n i tried my 2nd new flavour called subway club..currently my fav one..while xiao pei stick to her ham n cheese
b4 our dinner, happily again we entered a really expensive, mature, n posh lokin ARB frens shld noe wad tt means..anyway..we tried on some arbs n its REALLY nice!!! we were sooooo surprised to spot some teen arbs n available in cool bright colours only 2 for 40!! cheapo price.. e cuttin was nice n fitting..REAL i bought e blue n green one while xiao pei bought e pastel pink n green one..*sshhhzzz* we bought 32B!!! hahaha..anyway.. I!! DEBZ!!! ME!!! paid AGAIN!!! don noe wich time liao..paid for is so bei can..oh well. so we left e shop we tings in hand!! yea!!
suntec was abt to close we hurried to e place my mum was supposed to arrive at..we passed by a shop tt sells necklaces!! i hv ALWAYS wanted another necklace cuz i only had one..pathetically one necklace at home. so i HV to buy one..i saw a REALLY nice design tt is my fav---crown. those tt e princess wear on their headS?? haha..e pendan is in e shape of a crown..dotted with pink sparklin jewels!! my another fav type of desigh..diamonte..haha. so i bought it without much delay..its 11.90.
-----------end of crazy shoppin day 1----------------------
went out wif xiao pei again..tis time to bugis street..ITS DAMN HUGE!! ITS ENORMOUS!! i m not kididn..we almost got lost in it..haha..i bought an earring there..its 3 for 10 bugs...really nice indianish jewels again..haha..i luv pink! xiao pei bought so many stuff la!! a pants wich i choose 4 her..n its 4 only 12 bugs!! really batik n hawaiish desigh...its suppose 2 b 15 but we bargained..haha.. so we went into parco bugis junction..n i head to M-industries...wich sell retro mickey tees la. i bought a pink tee..*pink again* for 27 bug..ok la..can hv furthur discount 20% but xiao pei din wanna get ok lor..nvm.. its nice la..i wan a mickey tee anyway..hv to buy it sumtime..its lyk half sketched mickey n e other half dotted with jewels..haha my fav..reallised most my stuff r jewels?? then we saw a shop tt sells necklace again!! wow really nice la!! soooooooooooo many diff CROWN lyk expected by many..i went crazy choosin my necklace!! n i bought two $10 ones..i wanna buy more one leh..cuz all e others r sooo cute n nice!! n colourfull too! mine has a buy 2 get 1 free offer..but xiao pei saw a real rock n roll n cool black CROWN necklace *influenced by me* n i bargained wif e shop owner tt i don get my free one but allow a discount 4 xiao pei frm 15.90 to 10. it was a successful bargain!
okies..we decided to go off when we saw a shop sellin SHADES!!! sumting i hv ALSO been lokin for all ard singapore n dyin to buy it mnths ago but coulnt find a nice 1...i m really lucky tt dae n saw a PERFECT HUGE RETRO FUNKY shade tt i really adore!!! hahahaa!!! xiao pei too spotted a nice metal frame shade while mine is plastic.haha..we lyk diff type of shades cuz we lok weird in each other's design..its 2 for 30..quite cheap leh!! we took lyk an hr to choose..match here n there n choosin frm a pile of shades..haha..xiao pei was worried tt it will lok weird on her n even modelled frm far towards me!! hahaha..i laughed lyk mad n nearly burst my belly..but its nice la! hers was a bigger prob than mine cuz she had to consider e color of her shade, e size, shape n colour of e frame..i m lucky to juz picked e right one i lyk only to worry abt e size..cuz its really big..but oh well!! buy muz of cuz buy a real unique one rite!! so normal no fun at all.. so we paid up n went home!! yea!!! i bought so many stuff in juz two days!!! im really happy!!! tata folks!! hv to stp here n stp blabblin cuz yr eyes r dehydratin soon i suppose!! hahaha.. chao!!!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Thought of the day: serious matter to lok into rite now...
QUESTION OF MY LIFE : Do i lok dao??
jie jie: very dao..always don smile
sashi: no la...really i don tink so..*gave me abit more confident..thnks bro*
gideon: abit la..don smile v much *i noe he juz bein polite by sayin abit la..haha
Shann: VERY DAO until she don dare to tok to me
xiao pei: abit la..*she is juz bein a beloved fren too..haha*
Claire: very dao...*said it without hestitance*
Sam: VERY dao...*mean gurl*
Yining: quite la..actually very..*stupid gurl*
SEEEE!!!! NO ONE SAID NO!!!!!! except sash.. AHHH!!!! ** down gurl....ok firstly..y do i lok is cuz accordin to sam..i m always lian hei hei...WAD??? i m naturally tanner wad...secondly i don smile..ok..i agree to tt cuz wad is e pt of smilin even when no one is lokin at u?? isnt tt abit psychotic n eery?? conclusion..i shall smile fadely even when no one is lokin...n smile immediately at someone i noe..n jie jie say tt i shld take initiative to smile first...i did!!! i oso does tt when i was in pri sch..all e time..but always met with harsh reply or ignores by others..throwin me the "i m not tt close to u y did u smile at me" look.....i feel hurt u i don smile is a tragic story behind the reason..hai...n recently many pple had been persuadin me to go youth..haha..a few la..ok..i will try..
today we had a bbq..suppose to b or fun n involve the WHOLE GANG of mine but!!!!!!!!!! oh well..... yang qi got english course..yining n qiu yi back out n told me ONLY THIS MORININ when the bbq is only hrs away...SHUCKS LA!!! but...oh welll..or a six illegal gatherin..hahhaha..became only a three person high tea..hahaha.. we r so kiasu n started e fire at 3!!! early hor..half high tea half lunch n cute. me, claire n sam happily started toastin our food above e fire n were eatin away at 3.30..haha..we were SOOOOO BLOATIN fulll even b4 5 la...hahahaha...but still!! had to squeeze in some while playin umpteen games of fun..n drank alcoholic drink..hahaha*shhhhs* anyway..we bought sam a cake n we ate away again...*ultra full nw* n to prevent the possible-drizzle after seein e passin black clouds..we carried e table with an umbrella stuck on it ALL e way frm one end to the other n manage to shelter the fire frm the idea huh...e stingray taste awesome n chicken wings were fab! hahaha... cool n unqiue high tea enjoyed by HALF a click of mine....
ok.i shall stp here.. its too long liao..anyway..px is FINALLY BACK!!! after a decade of me waitin n a century of disappearin into thin air without tellin me n MILIONS of calls to lok for her by me...AHHH!!!! n she bought e princess jeans!!! i wan too!!!! i shall go n see it..HMPH! hahaha..end!
the Princess' thoughts ;