My God is beautiful..all the time-
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Thought of the day: happy!!!...bored too..
YO DUDEZ!!!!! yo xiao pei!! i went to e shop at marina whereby e sell REAL von dutch n american brands!!!! went with mummy so din dare to shop..hahaa..wanna go sum day? ok..let me tok abt it..
it was opened by e SUN..e singer la..wadeva..anyway..tts not e pt. i went in n e deco was DAMN ROCK LA!!!! so rock n roll..n super nice kies!!! so i started to lok ard..e first ting tt caught my eye was a skirt with VONDUTCH on it everywhere..not v nice la..but still!!!!! u noe??!!!!! i picked up the skirt n pose infront of the man..i thought to i happily took the price tag up to peep at was 330!!! for a damn skirt!!!!!! tt is not tt nice!!! n online only 100!!!!! wad e hell..anyway..i din lyk it..den i browse through the tops..ok la..but STIL!!!! hahahhaa...branded stuff kies..den a brown velvet skirt with plates only at the rim..caught my attention!!!! cuz it loks comfortable and ultra short...wich i lyk was abercombie!!! my fav!! it was 50..ok i wanted to try..but my mum say..nice meh?? so i was lyk..oh welll..tinkin to myself evilly..i shall come with xiao pei as soon as possible..heheheheheehe...YEA!!! i saw another shirt tt has diamonds on it..not stick to it! but sort of nailed to the shirt...aiya..don noe hw to say was 50..ok la..but it doesnt say any ting abt its brand on e i was lyk..huh..n summore its american brand..not many pple knew abt well..shall not consider it under my list..heeeeee.eee..
ok!!!! i shall stop here..tired..will lengthened it pls checked on it again!!!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Friday, August 26, 2005
Thought of the day: THANK GOD ONCE AGAIN!!!
hey hey hey!! guys out there!! switch off yr tv, yr radio and yr mouth now and open yr ears WIDE OPEN!!!!!!!! i recevied a TREMEDOUS MIRACLE from GOD!!!!! i got A2 for my SS which i m suppose to fail it!!!! AHHH!!!!!!! God ROX!!!! i wrote the entire Q for one of the TWO Qns wrongly..hey!!! its half of the whole paper and if u write wrongly u r gone!!!! but still..i m so panicky tt i interpret..i shld say blindly read the Qn..and wrote 2/3 of unnecessary crap tt is out of pt..but still!!!! i got 8/13 for it...hey!!! 1/3 of wad i wrote..which is equals to not longer than half a page is correct u noe!! n i scored!!! n total plus e first qn..i got an A2!!!! how can tt b right!!! let me tell can never never happen..u might even fail badly cuz e teacher may tink tt u r too dumb to read e qn wrongly n wrote so little tt can score...BUT!!! with God!!! i passed with an high A2!!!!! one more mark to A1!!! when i wrote crap!!!!! oh my gosh!!! GOD IS MY SAVIOUR!!! i was prayin so hard so hard to ask God to help me pass e paper..n God is so full of blessin tt he gave me an A..hahaha!!! i love my God!!! n i m pretty satified with all my other results!! thank God again!!! n i shall NOT say it here cuz i don wanna pple to go ard tinkin i m a bitch to boast ard.. :P
TMR IS SPOOK SHOW!!!! MAGIC SHOW!!! YEA!!!!!!! i m sooo sooo soo sooo soo happy la!!!!! hahahahahah!!! i wanna watch it!!! cant wait liao!!! i m soooooooo lokin forward to it after i caught the trailer online n its SUPERB EXCELLENT!! juz lyk david copperfield..(hw u spell tt?) its at suntec onvention hall..not tt little 3-yr-old-kid-also-very-sian magic show..its professional class one kies!!!! sam church rox man...hahaha..
XIAO PEI!!! i wanna go out!!! call me when u r freee!!!!!! always there by e phone to standby...hahaha..i seriously wan to buy another shirt n skirt..and more tings..heeehee..n alrite..i shall TRY to get over my armani shirt..TRY
JIE JIE!!!! i luv u!!! oh man..i thought i wasnt goin to get my clothes anymore..y din u tell me?? hai...i was so sad when i thought it was lost..hai..but nw i m super HAPPY!!! wow...tis whole month hv been a miracle to me..e last month i was still sufferin from depression..nw all jumpy again!! hahaha!! life IS CERTAINLY ups n downs..n jie jie..if u wanna come back den come back least finish tis yr call me if u feel down..i can always bubble u up through e phone..across nations n cheer u up!!! oways there 4 u gurl! my da jie is e best! n abt frenship..i do experience the way u said it..n i definitely agree tt once a grp of fren gets too forms clicks sum hw..tts a sad ting too..oso when we hv quarrels..hai..all tings get cooked up..i m experiencin 1 last mnth..n tried so hard to sit on e fence..still tryin v hard nw..balancin myself..i hate to see conflicts..i hated it..n i noe u don wan those to happen in yr life too..we juz hv to work hard..jia you!!!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Thought of the day: SHOPPING!!
i went out with xiao pei aka craze pal on sat and we walk till our legs nearly broke..anyway.let me tell u wad we did...super fun..she rox man!! always make my shoppin ultra fun!
we went to tommy first..there isnt much stuff there but we still mian qiang tried on some shirts like a spag..xiao pei tried on tis dyed tingy..while i tried on tis hot pink spag with beads. the spag made me lok soooo old..and not nice at was droopin down too..and xiao pei lyks her one as she is always those tribal teen tt is obsessed with indianish stuff..hahaha..but i thought it made her lok pregnant..n she claim it was her lungs..hahahha..okies wadeva.
2. POLO JEANS was quite a nice trip there cuz we tried on quite a no. of tings and i found sumting tt i lyk!! but its 68....arrrgh..n its i muz either wear a spag or tube in it..wich claire and sam claims tt it is not nice at all on sunday when i show them..perhaps xiao pei n i had a much closer and BETTER taste..we lok at tings in the "artistic" way..hahaha..*hi five*. i was decidin whether to buy but we still went off to lok at other stuff first.
errr....a bad choice..cuz nth is nice..tinkin of gettin a polo shirt but i wanna wait for the limited edition tt sounds nice to me when xiao pei describe to me after she went online to see it.
tis is e crucial part of e story..heh..we went in n thought tt there is nth much to see..n xiao pei wanted her long sleve shirt but wasnt there so there was a series of wining goin on for a while..until she found lotsa other clothes to try on(abt 7)..n surprisingly..dey were all not her usual style!! it was glamorous type of ting..while i choose to try on two Tshirts as i was desperate to hv. and it turned out tt e one with sliver shiny curly "ARMANI EXCHANGE" word on top was nice!! infact i love it!! so i ask for xiao pei's suggestion n a score for it. she said 7.5/10 n exclaimed tt it wasnt v worth it as it was 68 bugs...ARRGGGHHH!!! y muz it b so ex??? darn it.. so i stayed in e fitting room tinkin and crackin my head to tink of a decision while she threw on pieces of not-so-nice shirts..but there was one tt is sooooooooo comfy..juz tt there isnt "armani" on brain broke so we went outa e shop with me cryin for e shirt..i wan it!!!!! its black..its nice its fitting..juz tt e t shirt material is abit e "sui bian" and v ex. so tt is 2 pts tt discouraged me unless i strike lottery..haha..but i cant hlp tinkin abt it!!!! ah!!! i still wan!!!
really cool jackets caught our attention..xiao pei picked up a velvet red jacket while i picked up a rather short and black jacket with hot pink strips..NICE!!! I LOVE IT!! but again...119...i m lyk..WAD????? it was simple n nice..i don lyk too long jackets..(body part)..but xiao pei say its not long n not weird infact.. but i lyk it!! n she adores her velvet one too cuz it was drop-dead u can spot two crazy woman standin infront of a mirror starin for 20 mins..hahaa..n tts me n peixi!!
oh man...i wan the polo jeans shirt..i wan e adidas jacket..i wan E ARMANI SHIRT!!!!!! ahh...not tt i don wanna buy but dey all happen to be capable of costin a bomb in my i need brainstormin sessions to tink through..i wanna sell my old stuff!!! so i wont b so guilty to get those newbies i wan..but hw??? tt is e issue..anyone keen on purchasin any jackets frm me???!!! 20 bugs for a 77th street white jacket!!! super new!!! i need a stall man...dying..
the Princess' thoughts ;
Friday, August 19, 2005
Thought of the day: ExamS aRE OVER!!!!!
phew~ my burden on my shoulder is finally down again..slightly..cuz end yr is coming up and my Os...wadeva la...forget abt tt first...anyway..i m so happy tt i m goin to go mass shoppin TMR!!!! with my dearest xiao pei!!! I WANNA BUY CLOTHES!!! I PROMISE I WILL BUY SUMTING or i will sit at orchard for a week!!!! hahahahaa...oops...isnt tt too harsh? hahaha..anyway. i m lokin so forward for tmr!! i m gonna dress up for it!!
talkin abt being protective...i shld do in front of everybody...but there are 5 pple in the whole wide world tt i can totally stand naked in front of them...*not the way u TINK!!! tap on yr forehead*.
1. God----he is my creator, my saviour, my Father, my healer, my shoulder.
2. Mummy and Daddy----she is my mum!!!!! she give birth to me..she is in my bones..i carry her blood...he is my DAD!!! he protects and shelters me...they all love me!
3. JIE JIE!!!!----my beloved eye-candy tt i grew sooooo close to her..stickin to her lyk anyting..we can do and tok anyting in front of each other...she understands me..of cuz she loves me lyk anyting..i m her cutie pie!!
4. xiao PEI-----the dearest sweetie on land tt i can b so totally myself and not b disguised by any fake posture tt i hv to maintain inorder not to embrasses myself. we share lots of secrets..she is the bestest fren i can hv..
ARENT U GUYS HONOURED!!!!!!????? hahahahhaa...i can throw away my mask tt i used to protect myself...cuz i noe dey wont hurt me...dey will care and tink for me..although sumtimes i get disappointed with them...its cuz i put them in a impt place in my is y i cared so much.. others pls do not despair!!! u will hop on my chart soon..till u noe me more than 8 yrs...cuz e pple on there are e recordbreakers! hahaha..try harder folks! it takes yrs to peel my mask noe the real understand e real me..cuz i m not myself in front anyone except for them.. i can feel e love and warmth i get frm my family..i can feel the easeness and comfort with peixi.. i do not hide lyk i do oways..
BTW!!!! I score so well for chem!!! THANK GOD!!! used to score so badly but i succeeded!!! atleast in two subs..the other is chi..haha..don wanna say my marks la..later other pple say i showin off or hv a motive in sayin tis..i juz wanna honour God's grace by mentionin it..anyway..i will make a little offerin on sunday with my pocket money..its not e amt, its e sincerity.. and once again..JIE I MISS U!!!!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Thought of the day: i feel so touched tt i sobbed while readin the first sentence...
tis is my jie jie's blog..i really thank u for always givin me a pull when i was on the ground...its the best encouragement to get from especially its from my jie jie...she cares abt me even though she may not b here...God's strength is also the best determination i can get... tis is wad she wrote tt made me cried like anyting..hahaha...*sniff*
"Thought of the day :: i miss my little sister....
the other day... i read my sister's blog... she sound upset... she msged me while i was out... and she sound sad.... i sms her back to check up on her... she sound moody.... i decided to give home a call... my first call home since.... before last sem's exams... tok abt not callin home.... on the other end of the line... an upset, moody and sad girl answered the phone... chit chatted with her for awhile.. tried to cheer her up.... i hope my call back made a difference.... here's wat i have to say for u my dear....
Your crazy little jie jie here misses ur laughter... we grew so close over the pass year... many things u and i hv been thru... here's a little something i have for you.... (hey it rhymes!!)

as u grow older... uve gotta know tt there will be obstacles coming ur way... as ur big sister, i can onli be here for u to tok to... i will give my advice when i can... but in the end... choices are wat u have to make by urself... it all comes down to u in the end... coz its ur life... im not going to live ur life for u... mummy's not going to live ur life for u.... ur frens are not going to live ur life for u.... watever expectations u hav... comes from u... first of all.. u are a very smart girl... even smarter than ur big jie jie here... this everyone knows.. even mummy knows tt very well... but do YOU urself know tt?? are u convinced tt u are smart?? sometimes, there will be times when we suffer setbacks... there will be times when we fall... there will be times when we feel lost... but.... u oughta know tt BIG DADDY above is there... in times like this... look to HIM sweetie... i may not be there all the time... i may not be able to understand wat u are going through.. i may not be the best person to tok to... i may not gv the best advice... but DO YOU KNOW???? BIG DADDY above will be able to do all these??? u are His precious little princess... He will always be there ALL THE TIME... He will be ABLE TO UNDERSTAND wat u are going through... He is the BEST PERSON to tok to... He WILL STRENGTHEN AND GUIDE you through...
i have my setbacks and tough times too... u jus have to deal with it as they come... and always be praying and toking to BIG DADDY above....
please dun be so hard on urself... dun beat urself up for little setbacks like this... u might not hav done well this time round... u will outshine everyone the nex time round... u might hav fell this time.... pick urself up again and try it again... no one's perfect here... and even if after trying the second time u fall.. stand up again and try one more time... its all abt determination and hving the right attitude towards it... there's always room for improvement...
OK my dear sweetie??? u are an awesome girl!! *HUGS AND KISSES* =)
and i miss u soooooo much!!!"
oh man...isnt she sweet is wad i called my JIE JIE!!!! she is e one i loved...i m glad tt we grew so close to each other..and i sobbed when i read yr "thought of the day"....oh mann...i miss u too u noe?? hahahahaa...few more months to go...i need u and God's encouragement to fight through my exams k...don ignore me k?? hahaha...juz an entry on yr blog can make me sob and feel so touched...later dry my tears and stand up again with a smile..tinkin tt it wasnt tt bad after all...but pls continue to give me support kies!!!! i need them!!!!!! thanks alot jie..i noe tt u and God will b the endless supply of support for me...thanks alot folks..i LOVE U!!!!!! lokin at the pictures..hai...make me soooooooooooooooooo miss u lyk anyting la can....hai...i lok forward to see u on NOV!!! n OH!! ur call really made me feel so so much better...u ROX!!!
the Princess' thoughts ;
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Thought of the day: troubled times..
sufferin from a "mid life crisis" now..everyting is goin wrong..din do well for mid yr..din do well for tests...couldnt find anyting tt i could b proud of myself...i don see any sense of worth in me...even i failed succeedin in wad i used to be best in...wad wrong with me..terms with friends are not too good, terms with teacher are bad, terms with the results are terrible...wad else m i left to do. too stupid to get things rite..too stupid to study..too stupid in EQ...too stupid in anyting... too stupid to write my blog too...tis is juz me.. watch tv watch is all i noe wad to do.. seein my jie jie so happy at oreo...i felt so jealous of her life...everybody ard her seem to b so nice.. i m juz a piece of rock in everyone's life...and now there is a BIG PILE of rocks right in front of me...trippin me..wounding me..hurtin obstacle tt i cannot get thru.. i sux in all...
the Princess' thoughts ;